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Thanks to the solar panels, we avoided 26,000 kg of CO2 emissions, the equivalent of planting 801 trees.

Holson Impianti report su emissioni di CO2
Holson Impianti green

🌿☀ Just over a year ago we installed solar panels above our factory and thanks to this sustainable choice we managed to avoid the emission of 26,000 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere.

👉🌳 To give an idea of the positive impact this has had on the environment, the equivalent of planting 801 trees.

🏭 As a company dealing with anti-corrosion coatings and structural reinforcements, we at #HolsonImpianti are aware of the importance of prioritising our planet: a #sustainable approach is essential to maintain a healthy and safe environment for future generations. In order to enjoy all the benefits of a photovoltaic system, it is essential to maximise your investment with a few tricks:

  • First, equip yourself with a system monitoring system. A system, that is, capable of recording the production progress of each individual panel minute by minute.

  • Second, choose inverters with integrated power optimisers.

  • Third, perform (minimal) maintenance and cleaning of the photovoltaic panels on a regular basis to ensure maximum absorption of solar radiation.

Bottom line.

Deciding to set up a photovoltaic system from which to obtain electricity for one's own business should be considered a beneficial choice for the individual and with positive benefits for the community. The benefits have an impact of an environmental:

  • solar energy is a clean and renewable energy;

  • economic: your utility bill and fixed expenses will decrease significantly and you will also be able to earn something by selling the excess energy you produce;

  • practical: you will be independent of breakdowns and failures of the national grid and your home or business can continue to function without interruption.

💡The installation of solar panels was just one of the steps we took to reduce our ecological footprint. In addition to producing clean energy, we have also taken steps to optimise the use of resources and reduce waste.

We want to work together to build a world where industrial development can be combined with environmental protection.

Join us in our mission for a sustainable future! 🌍💚

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